Panel Beater Job Description
Commonly known as vehicle body repairers, the panel beaters perform the repair of the damaged bodywork of vehicles due to accidents or some other reasons. They utilise metalwork techniques for fixing the panels, mending the rusted parts, and removing the dents. The working hours can vary depending on the employer, so the panel beaters have to be adaptable to the work time and environment. They must be familiar with the usage of sophisticated bodyshop machinery and the need to have manual dexterity when using the tools for performing the repair work efficiently and with precision. Moulding new replacement panels are also in the panel beater job description.
Panel Beater Job Responsibilities
The responsibilities of panel beaters include doing a detailed assessment of the damaged vehicles and providing cost, timeline and best solution on how to go about repairing them. They fix the dented parts and make sure that all the rusted sections are mended carefully. They also weld the repaired panels to bring them into their place along with taking care of the scratches that don’t require much effort to get rid of. They do the repair work with the dexterity that it matches the bodywork or makes the surface easy to paint for the paint sprayer along with maintaining a book for all the repair tasks.
Skills Required to Build a Panel Beater Career
You need to be attentive to detail for this line of work as without being meticulous, you will not be able to do the repair in a scrupulous manner. Good communication skills are essential for the job, you have to interact with the customers and other team members. Organisation skills and time management are a plus for this position as you will be able to manage the different tasks efficiently. Critical thinking and problem solving will help you come up with better ways to go about doing the repair work. Searching for panel beater jobs in the UK? Find your dream job with InAutomotive!