By Debbie Holden 13 Aug 2018 7 min read

6 tips for career progression


If you’re hoping to progress in your current job, there are plenty of ways to go about it. Creating realistic goals that you can work towards to progress in your career is a massive help and allows you to have a clear understanding of how you will achieve your objectives.  

Ready to start your journey to the top? Here are 6 tips to get you started:


Take it on the chin and move on

So imagine this, you make a mistake on your pitch to your customer. Or maybe you accidentally damaged someone’s car while working on it? Wallowing in self pity into a cup of coffee won’t improve the situation. Just take it on the chin, admit wrongdoing (a heartfelt apology is a must) and move on! If you are able to handle a disaster at work appropriately, this will aid career progression. Not only does this emphasise your positive attitude to colleagues, but it also shows you are accountable, a promising characteristic your employer will value.


Find a job you love

If you don’t like your current job and the required responsibilities, this will not change unless you speak up about it. It’s very easy for your boss to assume that you like your job if you don’t tell them – especially if you are hitting your targets. If you’re unsure about both the company and the role, then maybe it’s time to start searching for a new job? Your boss will most likely understand if you want to work somewhere else if you aren’t 100% happy with your job, and it will be more beneficial for you in the long run.

If you like the company you are currently working for, but the role isn’t what you imagined it to be, you can certainly discuss this with your manager. If they value you as an employee, chances are that they can adjust your role for a fresher feel.


Find a Career Advisor

So you’ve decided you don’t want to work a 9 til 5 job at a desk 5 days a week, but you don’t know where else to turn? Find yourself a career advisor! A career advisor helps you find the right job for you. Be sure to tell your advisor about what you are looking for – it’s your career path after all. The advisor will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and match you to roles more suitable for your needs. It’s okay to ask for help about your career, no matter how old you are.


Consider a change of location

In an ideal world, the highest paying jobs are in the industry we love to work for, with a laid back boss and amazing colleagues – and the office is a couple of minutes down the road. In reality though, it’s unlikely that your new job will tick every box on your list. Typically, the jobs you want or are passionate about are not advertising locally. If you are willing to relocate for the job though, this could work in your favour massively. Not only does this show that you can be flexible, it shows that you have passion for the job if you can make time to travel for it. 


Make a plan!

Once you have a clear idea of where and how you want to progress, set yourself objectives to help you achieve your career goals. Plan ahead with small steps that don’t absorb all of your time (we all need to relax at some point, too). You could also set milestones and a time frame on when you want to achieve these goals. Whichever way you choose to keep track of them, make sure you can see them every day. Sticking to your objectives keeps you motivated, and you can refer back to them at anytime if you want to make changes.


Believe in yourself!

The number one way to fail is by setting unrealistic goals. Setting a goal that’s difficult to achieve could mean not achieving them at all. Make sure you set realistic goals that are compatible with your skills, and believe that you can do it! Lots of smaller goals can impact that long term goal you have.

Don’t just forget about a goal just if it becomes difficult – if you want to be successful, you have to work hard to achieve it. However, if the goal does start to seem unrealistic in a certain time frame, break it down into easier, more achievable goals, or rewrite it to something more achievable. If you are realistic and believe you can achieve what you’ve set out to do, others can easily have confidence in your ability, which again, can lead to further progression in future.

